

integrity is the quality of being whole and undivided, but also the quality of being honest and having strong moral principals. it is an admirable quality, perhaps never more so than when it must struggle to keep its shape.

douglas fir

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what color is a dragonfly wing?

what color is a dragonfly wing?

it is the color of the blackberry leaf it perches on. it is the color of the clouds seen through it, as it cruises for prey on a summer evening.  it is the color of the dark drawer it’s stored in. it is the color of the sky reflected in it through a window on a winter day.

(unidentified) dragonfly wing

  • Carol says:

    A gorgeous stained glass window


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to what purpose?

to what purpose?

i’m sure there is a purpose to the micro variations of these succulents, and of course they are succulents in response to the dry climates where they evolved, but why exactly  that shade of cranberry and that other shade of dusty celery? why exactly that needle-tipped leaf vs. that lance shaped one? did these all evolve to be beautiful, or did we evolve to find them so?

collection of colorful palm-sized succulents

  • Leah Anekwe says:

    Is this available in a print to purchase?


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x’s and o’s

x’s and o’s

it just depends. sure this could be a page full of x’s, full of prohibition. forbidden. do not enter. no you can’t. or it could be the universe showing its love. encouraging you with a page full of blown kisses. xoxoxo. without the o’s. your choice. i’ve made mine.

autumn locust leaves

  • Carol says:

    Who knows, who cares, they are simply beautiful


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a new family member

a new family member

for two days i have been helping a friend of mine do the finishing interior design touches for a new cafe in saint paul that opens tomorrow morning. saint paul is the nerdy little brother to popular and flashy minneapolis, and i have a soft spot for underdogs, so i like to support saint paul whenever i get a chance. i’ve been running around town buying all those things you need at the eleventh hour of any interiors project like cord covers, dent remover, polish, plants, pillows, and pots.  among my many errands today was a trip to the local floral wholesaler, where this moody little rubber tree plant caught my eye. the rich, earthy palette somehow fit my mood exactly for this holiday season. so . . . one for me, and one for the cafe. i called it compensation. don’t know how much that translates into in terms of hourly wage. don’t care.

rubber tree plant (Ficus elastica)

  • Kimbersew says:

    ‘ficus elastica!’ I love it! What’s the name of the cafe? -anywhere near the train station?

    • Hi Kimberly, the cafe is The Salty Tart. It is right near the Farmer’s Market. The food is excellent!
      Go Saint Paul!

  • Janice says:

    I want one, too! Love the moodiness vibe.


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