Hello longtime friends and new arrivals,

This blog posts one image, daily, of gathered natural objects found near me. Near me usually means Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota, my home. Sometimes it can mean the Languedoc region of southern France, a kind of second home. And sometimes it simply means, wherever I am right now.

Still blog is a place to stop. A place to look at one thing at a time. A place to be still.

I sent my first image out into the universe on January 1, 2012 hoping that I would enjoy the discipline of producing a photo a day, and hoping that a few kindred wanderers might find their way here. Who could have guessed that thousands of you would come share your morning coffee with me every day? Who would have guessed that every walk with my kids or my dog would turn into a STILL blog treasure hunt? Who could have guessed that design*sponge would come knocking? Or Martha Stewart? Or Midwest Living? Or the Scottish National Opera? Or Target Corporation? Or West Elm? Or Better Homes & Gardens? Not me! I can only say thank you.

I would love to see these images used by designers and artists worldwide. One of my original visions for STILL was to generate images that could find new lives in the hands of others.

I sell high-resolution digital files of my images to individuals and businesses. Prices vary based on intended usage and exclusivity. Please contact me if you are interested in buying or licensing an image.

Animals and parts of animals appear in this blog. In cases where live animals were photographed, they were released unharmed. In cases where fur, feathers, bones, and skin appear in this blog, the owners were found already deceased, and, I hope, have been respectfully commemorated.

Feel free to re-blog, but please give credit. And please contact me for permission prior to any commercial usage. All images are original content, Copyright © Mary Jo Hoffman.

In stillness,

Mary Jo

email me at:  maryjo@stillblog.net

P.S. I am active on Instagram at @maryjohoffman here. And post my images daily to my Pinterest boards here which is perhaps the easiest way to scan my portfolios quickly.






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