i am expecting a range of reactions to this post, from “oh, yes!” to “oh, no!” but, yes or no, this is the new STILL blog. after five straight years of daily photographs in the same format on the same white background, i needed to make some kind of change. but i couldn’t bear the thought of leaving behind the exhilarating daily practice of STILL blog, nor the way it required me to be present and observant in nature, nor the way it brought me in contact with a world of creative, supportive, inspiring, and affirming colleagues, followers, and friends. i have spent the better part of the last couple of years trying to figure out what STILL 2.0 should look like. one obvious solution was simply to switch the background from white to black, which seemed too obvious for a while, until I took my first actual photo on a black background (this breathtaking queen anne’s lace), and suddenly several years of new possibilities opened up. the new black background will lend itself to new subjects, new colors (it was nearly impossible to photograph white objects on a white background), and new, more emotionally nuanced compositions. the new format will be divided into three galleries or realms: the realm of “day” of “night” and of “dawn.” all of my prior five years of white images will be available and archived in the “day” gallery. all of my new images on a black background will accumulate in the “night” gallery. and my new project, a collage-a-day challenge, will be featured in the “dawn” gallery (as in “dawn of a new era”). there is more information about this new project in the gallery itself. i think this new format is gorgeous, and will lend itself to a newly expansive vision of what STILL blog can be, while hewing to its original vision of pared-down minimalism that encourages everyone to be still for a part of every day, and look at one thing at a time. i hope you love it, and if you don’t love it yet, i hope you will give yourself time to fall in love. whatever you think, I’d love to hear from you, whether in the comments section, or by email. thank you all for spending these last five years with me, and adding kindness and magic to my days.
Love the change. What a surprise I had when I checked STILL I thought I had clicked incorrectly. I love your blog and Instagram account. I am also fascinated with your collages, they make me want to try some art form. Thank you for your work. I have a small family blog and understand it can be hard to be creative everyday. Finally I was born in France and have enjoyed yours and your husbands photos as I haven’t visited there in over 40 years.
Thank you so much, Brigitte!!
I’m looking forward to these new steps for Still blog. Still Night is awesome from what I’ve seen, I really wonder how it wil work out. And Dawn is a new branch on the Still tree I’m very curious about. Still blog is my go-to every morning, thanks for this daily dose of inspiration!
Oh, thank you, Pauline. So much.
Exciting news, change is good and you have achieved it beautifully! Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations!
Much love and many thanks, Francia!
Brilliant! I hope this change continues to inspire your work. I look forward to more intimate images and engaging commentary.
Thank you so much, Candice.
I love it… thought there was something wrong with my pc…! I’m looking forward to the new design capture as all of your pictures are outstanding… I have been an admirer/follower since I saw the article about you in Martha Stewart’s Living magazine…was it 2013?? So long ago! Every morning when I wake up it’s the first thing I do …to check your site for a picture …. it starts my day of admiration of nature through your lens….Mary Jo please continue doing this…!
Oh Lolli, what a beautiful thing to say.
Gorgeousness and gorgeosity.
Thanks honey. I couldn’t have done it without you. You’re the best!
Your minimalism is still evident, but the black background makes the elements so lush. I can really sense the extravagance of nature! Love this new direction! Light and dark – it all belongs.
Thank you for this beautiful comment, Jackie. You made my day!
Gorgeous and gorgeouser. Totally in love with this.
Thank you, Carol! Much love.
Beautifully done, Mary Jo!
Thank you, Nancy!
one more comment if I may, this format makes me think of Old Dutch paintings – esp. Brueghel
I love your artistry and writing, and support whatever form you use. I think this broadening of style will make your creative juices continue to flow, and I’m all for it! You go, Girl!
STILL is part of my daily ritual. Here I am – in Japan, over my lunch hour – checking your blog. Love the new direction of Night, Day and Dawn! Keep it all coming!
I love the depth of these photos now on the black, very juicy
My comment on this, your second, post went on yesterday’s comments
Oh Mary-Jo, you’ve really surprised me ! I loved the white background, and I must say that I also love the black one. I wonder how on earth you manage to balance the light & contrast & all that jazz … the result is sensational ! ox
Love the black background! The contrast is just juicy.
Hard for my old eyes to read the comments in white on black tho.
I use black backgrounds for most of my collages.
Hi Suzanne, Glad to hear you like the new site. You are not the first person to say they are having a hard time reading the white text on the black background. A quick and easy work around is to hit “Cmd +” on a Mac, or “Ctrl +” on a pc, and the text will expand for you. You can hit it as many times as you like to get the size font you want. I hope this helps. Thanks again for your words of encouragement. Warmly, Mary Jo
There’s warm temps headed here to Minnesota next week so hopefully much of the snow will be gone. Hope your transition back is smoother than expected!