old friends

old friends

today was a snowy, sleety day and i hadn’t yet built up my winter tolerance for such nonsense. so instead of a long walk, i went down to the cattail bed in our back yard, prepared to take a serviceable but maybe a little bit boring photo of a very familiar subject. but that’s the thing about old friends. no matter how often you see them, they always come through.

late october cattails

turtle lake, shoreview, minnesota

  • Kimbersew says:

    they do have a well-loved velveteen-rabbit-iness to them. and such stoic patience.


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winter’s lace

winter’s lace

the ongoing pressure of a daily practice makes moments like this happen. in my former life i would have said, “oh, look: how cool is that half melted ice?” in my STILL blog life, i say, oh my god that may not happen again for 5 years. where’s my camera?

ice and autumn leaves

turtle lake, shoreview, minnesota

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a matter of perspective

a matter of perspective

yes it’s harvest season, and these resemble sheaves of wheat and october tables with gourds on them. but my very first thought was, “subatomic particle traces in a collider.”

northern tall grass seed heads

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in transition

in transition

there is summer in me yet, although i am in full fall color. i sometimes endure an abrupt visit from winter, but, for now, it always melts away.

snow covered maple leaf

turtle lake, shoreview, minnesota

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(almost) back in the groove

(almost) back in the groove

it has been so restoring to spend several days making assemblages and playing in my studio again. i hope you could tell that the last two days of images were more engaged and inspired than the recent past. at least it felt that way to me. “i’m back in the groove,” i told myself. then, today, i had a relapse. i looked up around 5:00 and it was almost dark outside, and i was reminded that i have this little daily practice called STILL blog that doesn’t go away even when i’m busy catching up from two weeks of a circus atmosphere in my house.  fortunately, the wind had spent the day playing, even if i hadn’t. it left me this little gift of windblown and photogenically random fall leaves. i grabbed my camera and made it just under the wire.

assorted october leaves

minneapolis, minnesota

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