why does it feel so slow?

why does it feel so slow?

I honestly do not know what I expect…buds one day and leaf-out the next? Why does spring feel so stingy? So slow to give it up?  Things are happening. As they should. In the right order. At their own pace. And yet I am feeling impatient. I prefer spring to summer, so why am feeling antsy, as if I want thing to hurry up. I should be wanting to linger here. To slow it down even more so I can savor it. We are such fickle animals. I will never understand humans.

(unidentified) early spring bud bursts

  • Susan L. says:

    Speaking for myself, this year I feel anxious about what happens next. Normalcy? Excessive heat, rain, etc.? Another tree blown down in another rain storm? Why have there been bluebirds in Maine this winter? I think I want the next season to arrive just to assure me that there will be a next season.

    • Susan! this is go true! “I want the next season to arrive just to assure me that there will be a next season.”
      That is exactly what I am feeling! Thank you for putting into words.❤️
      xo Mary Jo


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