time of selling books

time of selling books

I like to stick to nature, and the art of noticing, here in my daily musings. No politics. No news. And I don’t know if you have ever noticed, but I rarely even reference the US holidays, I mostly stick to the astronomical events like solstice and equinox. Although I do share tidbits of my life, because by now–12 years into this project–my life and my art are so fully intertwined. With that said, my STILL book has been available for pre-orders since late January 2024. My official Pub Day, whatever that is, is May 1. Ever since we (the publisher and I) announced pre-orders, my days and weeks have been busier than they have been for 12 years. Today alone, I had three interviews–two podcast interviews, and one with Australian television! By all accounts, the book is selling quite well. I can honestly say to you all that I had no idea this would happen. It’s fun. I am not complaining. Just surprised.

  • Old Lady Gardener says:

    No shortage of fun in today’s post!

  • Carol says:

    I think that cryptic message says “Celebrate “
    You deserve to!


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