time of rest
Today I gave another talk to 60 members of The Lake Minnetonka Garden Club. It was well received. I so love doing these Garden Club of America talks–such engaged and enthusiastic members. Today’s talk marks the official end of my Book Launch events; for a couple of weeks anyways. And, boy oh boy, I am ready for a break. The past four weeks have been a pace I have not tried to maintain for at least two decades. I did my best. It was, by all accounts, a very successful Book Launch. We sold out the entire print run, and are going into a second printing! Woop! Woop! Thank you all who bought the book! I may be spent, but it is a very happy fatigue. Thank you.
I think we have only one native toad in our yard: the eastern american toad. This well camouflaged not-so-little guy became visible when we started moving the terra-cotta pots around on the front stoop this afternoon. He absolutely did not want to sit still for a portrait. This was all I got before he disappeared into the tall grass.
eastern American toad (A. a. americanus)
Enjoy your well earned, perhaps temporary, rest Mary Jo. I’m thrilled for you that your book launch was such a smashing success! Way to go, gal!!