i burned off some nervous energy today by tracing my 12 year old son on my kitchen floor, and then filling him in with the nature he and i both love. i think he’s rather handsome.
thanks so much to kate arends at Wit & Delight for the beautiful and generous feature today. please go visit her and shower her with love.
silhouette of joseph (age 12) filled with found nature
97% from ninnesota, 1% mediterranean france, 1% california, 1% florida
Wow! I’m smiling from ear to ear. You have outdone yourself Mary Jo.
It took a long time, but I’m smiling too, I have to admit.
OMG, this is phenomenal, fascinating, marvelous!
It was fun and frustrating to put together. In about equal measure.
Totally speechless, if I could soeak
I would say ” totally blanking amazing”. Seriously, this is beyond the pale.
You seem so casual about this one, but to me this seems like your most ambitious work yet! Incredible!
In retrospect I agree with you, although at the time I was just thinking, “I’ve got to get this thing done before dark!”
New, different, beautiful, fascinating. I can’t stop looking at it.
Thank you for your sweetness. I love it too. You never know which one is going to knock it out of the park.
I cannot stop studying this. Next time you undertake something like this please have someone film the process. Where did you begin??? I am still in total awe.
It’s funny, I had a friend over for coffee who had broken her ankle, and partly this was the result of her not being able to move, and my needing to keep at it as a result!
Simply Wow! What an ambitious project. It’s amazing! I love that he has a verta-brain. :-)
I’m stealing the term “verta-brain.”
You have outdone yourself. this is spectacular.
I have to say. I love this one. Thank you for validating my judgment. I wish it had derived from loftier motivations than the jitters, but I’ll take it.
This is simple amazing! You are so very creative!!
And you are too sweet.
Arcimboldo would be wowed.
Let’s not get carried away, Liz . . oh what the hell. Let’s get carried away!
Unbelievable! You have outdone yourself!!!
I guess I need to feel anxious and on edge more often…
Wow! Wow! Wow! Love. Love. Love.
Thank you thank you thank you!
Wow! Love this one!!! How very cool!!!
I had no idea where this one would end up when I started!
Many moons ago I taught my son to sew, bake cookies, and string beads. The creativity you share with your son is just mind-blowing! I’m in awe.