revisiting this stunner

revisiting this stunner

Revisiting this passion flower that is blooming in our house right now. Last autumn we were gifted this vine by a friend who knew we overwintered many of our plants  under grow lights in the winter.  We assumed we were simply keeping it alive until it would go back outside in spring. So these blooms have been a surprise, and a gift, perfectly timed for late-March, when all the world is celebrating spring except us northerners. I have been busy lately. More busy than I expected. I mistakenly thought the writing of my book would be the bulk of my efforts, with the big push being the finalizing of the manuscript, and maybe another push when it was time to review the final galleys. As it turn out, launching a book has been the busiest period yet. So many requests for interviews, so many requests for media images. So many emails planning workshops, and lectures. Honestly, I am having a hard time keeping up. Doing decisive triage on an overflowing inbox is not a muscle I have had to exercise since I left corporate work 20 years ago. It’s all good news. But my days are full, and long meandering walks in the woods have been few and far between for the past month. It’s okay, March is a tricky month anyway. Hopefully, I will be back on top of my inbox by April–in three days. Gulp.

passion flower (passiflora)

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