One day in late June
July is nearly upon us, and once again my world has become a tunnel of green: a green tunnel down to the lake and a green tunnel up the driveway to the main road. As a result, and out of necessity, I have been noticing all the shades of green and the variety of leaf shapes lately. But the thing is…it has been so hot and humid, that wen I pick the leaves they often wilt like a wet kleenex in my hand and cling to one another in a sticky mess. So today, I went for a walk with large cookbook in hand, and as I picked each leaf I immediately placed it between two pages and then snapped the book shut. This worked for 90% of the leaves I picked. The remaining 10% stuck irreparably to the pages of the cookbook when I tried to extract them. Look at that variety of leaves from just a 20 minutes walk! Nature truly does it best.
leaves from one walk in late june 2024