interesting is enough

interesting is enough

I pulled this eight inch sapling out of my sorrel bed today. And this eight inch tap root came with it. This is not a beautiful subject, but I found it interesting. Which meets one of the two necessary criteria for STILL: beauty or interest. Both criteria are purely subjective I realize, which makes them imprecise as criteria. But they have guided me this far, so I see no reason for changing. By the way, if you have never grown sorrel in your kitchen garden, I recommend it. We got turned on to sorrel while living in France. It’s easy to grow–our own patch self-seeds every year. It has a distinctive lemony flavor that makes it fun to add to just about anything. We make sorrel omelets, like our French friends taught us, and also make a sorrel velouté which we freeze for winter when we crave a bowl of bright green soup that tastes like summer. Bon appétit!

unidentified volunteer sapling

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