i like lichens

i like lichens

i had no idea what to say about lichens. so i did a little googling. here are some fun factoids:

  • There are at least 13,000 species of lichens living throughout the world.
  • Lichens are bizarre organisms and no two are alike.
  • Lichens areĀ a complex life form that is a symbiotic partnership of two separate organisms, a fungus and an alga.
  • Lichens produce their own food using sunlight energy and do not feed on the tree bark.
  • Lichens cause no harm to the trees they inhabit.
  • Lichens can survive the most unfavorable climatic extremes of arctic, alpine and desert regions by reducing metabolic activity for extended periods of time.
  • Lichens are very sensitive to air pollution, and like canaries in coal mines, may serve as indicators of air quality.
  • Lichens on healthy trees should be welcomed as likely positive indicators of lower levels of air pollution.
  • Susan L. says:

    I think I’d like to be a lichen.
    This photo is wonderful.

  • yvonne barlog says:

    Love this! And the factoids! I will be more on the lookout now and more grateful.

  • Robin Hess says:

    While lichens do not harm trees, they do colonize bare rock and then secrete acids to eat away at the rock. My geology professor used to say “plants eat rocks”. This process lays the groundwork for plants that later appear/


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