still blog feat. sjrhoffman

still blog feat. sjrhoffman

today i have a guest blogger. he happens to be my husband. he likes delicate compositions, made up of slender shapes that leave lots of white space. he also loves symmetry that is not quite exactly symmetrical. the question is . . . has he internalized still blog? is this image a still blog image?  or is it an sjrhoffman image that has colonized still blog and turned it into something it is not? i’m not sure. i think i  am willing to give him a pass, but await your judgment.

brown and tan bits and pieces of occitanie

  • Ginny says:

    Til I read the description, I had no idea this wasn’t by your hand.

  • Carol says:

    Love the lonely little moth

  • Pauline says:

    I don’t think it’s a 100% Still blog image (as in a Mary Jo image), but a little more decorated. I’m Dutch and would say it’s a bit more ’frutselig’, but I can not find a proper translation for that word ‍♀️


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