settling in and stocking up
we’ve taken almost two weeks to settle into our rented house this time. longer than previous visits. one would think we would be getting more efficient at it, rather than less. perhaps it is because we feel less urgency, less doubt, or maybe less adrenaline. on the other hand, perhaps we are just getting better about slowing down. we know we have five months ahead of us, what’s the hurry? the pantry can be stocked tomorrow. the laundry can wait another day. we’ll make the rounds and say hi to everyone next week. one part of living in this part of the world is internalizing the importance of slowness. on the other hand, there is one thing that can’t get put off, and that is my STILL blog gathering and the building up of my specimen table. in between wine-soaked evenings on the terrace, midday coffees at the cafe, and an important daily sunbath, i have been keeping my eyes open, stopping the car, interrupting walks, and picking up those particular things, that, for reasons i don’t always understand, tell me they need to be a part of my life for a while. today was the first day i felt i had enough bits built up to be able to make an assemblage. it is very mediterranean, and, by now very familiar, if no less full of magic than always.
an assemblage of gathered green bits in august in southern france: locust leaves, cedar cones, locust seeds, fennel flowers, rosmary leaves, wild thyme, chardonay grapes