found scattered on the trail near a fallen and partially scavenged nestling after an evening of heavy winds
pike island, at the confluence of the mississippi and minnesota rivers
saint paul, minnesota

i love the scent they leave in the air on the west side of my porch these days

the frog and toad chorus is amazing around here right now
I am trying to find a way to record and post a soundscape of the sunset roar of gray tree frogs and chorus frogs in our cattails right now. It’s such a great spring sound.
We have Boreal chorus frogs (pseudacris maculata) singing us to sleep every night. I love their happy, peaceful sound. (Neko Case included a half-hour frog chorus on her album Middle Cyclone as a bonus track. :)
Such intriguing rocks!
Your blog is stunning!
I am your newest follower!
Your photography is beyond words!
(It would be great if you taught photography techniques in BYW 2!)
So nice to meet you through BYW 2.0!
All the best,
Thank You Mary!