Welcome to September

Welcome to September

Have you ever seen this strange little flower? It’s new to me–a variety of celosia. To my eye, it is what the French would call mignon moche (ugly-cute). But beauty is in the eye of the beholder: So what do you think? Ugly or Cute?

cockscomb (Celosia argentea var. cristata)

  • Val says:

    My first reaction – ooo what are these?? I cannot decide on ugly or cute, so I’m going with interesting.

  • Old Lady Gardener says:

    Totally cute! Scrumptious color, too, and beautiful light. Cocks comb celosia, but not sure how the rooster is going to feel about that color! Imagine a rooster attired in a pink comb with teal and purple feathers, lol.


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Have you read Bittersweet, the book by Susan Cain?  If not, I recommend it. My husband and son feel that “bittersweet” is the best possible descriptor for Minnesota and Minnesotans. The two of them are in NYC right now, otherwise I would ask them for a short explanation of what they mean when they say that–but it will have to wait until Steve is back home. No hurry though, because this bittersweet vine will keep getting more and more beautiful as it dries.

American bittersweet (Celastrus scandens)

  • Carol says:

    May I add another category? Creepy !

  • Carol says:

    So sorry Ms, Bittersweet vine, my comment went to the wrong post – my clumsy fingers. You are NOT creepy you are beautiful


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Dear Universe,

Dear Universe,

I’ve got a lot on my plate right now. And you seem to want to keep adding more. Please know that I will do my best, but that I at the moment my plate if full. I will add your most recent requests to the list of responsibilities I am currently working on, but I cannot guarantee a timely response. If your needs are urgent, you may want to find another solution.


Mary Jo

  • Susan L. says:

    The Universe can wait. We think it can’t but it can. Take a deep breath. Look at the beauty you create, consider the family you nourish. You’re alright.


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all knotted up

all knotted up

A visualization of my gut right now. I’ve had a house full of people, and a mother in and out of the ER unable to fully care for herself because of a debilitating herniated disk in her back. My daughter left today. And my son and husband leave tomorrow to get Joseph set up in his apartment in NYC for the new school year. My Mom is finding (some) relief with medical marijuana, and we have a surgical consult next week. I see calm on the horizon. I wonder how long it will take me to untangle this knot?

knotted vine tendrils

  • Old Lady Gardener says:

    So sorry your hectic life is tangling up your gut. Sending good vibes and kind thoughts your way. That image is one snarled up mess! Hoping the calm on the horizon arrives sooner than later, MJ.


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Seeing signs everywhere

Seeing signs everywhere

The air may still be hot and humid, but I am starting to see signs of autumn everywhere now.

ostrich fern frond in late August (Matteuccia)

  • Old Lady Gardener says:

    The season is definitely showing signs of change. I am so glad you share your “noticing” with us.
    Hope your Mom is doing better. Thinking of you both.


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