lucky number 3

lucky number 3

Three leaves (leaf-like bracts actually). Three petals. Three sepals. Three stigmas. Meet trillium. My husband’s favorite native flower.

trillium flower

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Everyone and everything is celebrating!

Everyone and everything is celebrating!

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know I have been more than a little busy lately. But not too busy to notice this gorgeous spring display today. This maple tree was having its own Launch Party yesterday. 😂.

Crimson King maple tree in blossom (Acer platanoides)


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Thank You Twin Cities!

Thank You Twin Cities!

Yesterday was my Pub Day. It was a busy day which culminated in an open house celebrations from 4-7 PM. I knew it would be a hectic day, but what I didn’t expect is how emotional it would be. So much love and support. So many kind souls showing up to tell me how much they enjoy my work. Wow. Just wow. I love this Twin Cities community so much.  Thank you to everyone who sent well wishes and who showed up to support me and my work. I means the world to me. Thank you.

Apple blossoms are blooming here. Hooray!


  • Jill says:

    It was a lovely celebration! This image is so pretty and I’ve been taking the time to enjoy the blossoms in my neighborhood on my walks with Griffin. When I first saw the image I thought what a perfect picture for a Mother’s Day card!

    • Jill! I swear, You are the best member of this Twin Cities community. You always show up for everyone! Your balance in the Bank of Good Karma (BGK) must be substantial! Thank you my friend. I always look forward to seeing you!


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Launch Day!

Launch Day!

Happy Launch Day to me!  Today I am throwing myself a Pub Day party at a local farm-to-table restaurant called Wise Acre Eatery in south Minneapolis.  Yesterday I pre-signed 200 books. I considered not having a launch party–I am a middle child who does not love being the center of attention. But when I told my publisher I didn’t think I wanted a launch party, their response “Oh no, you have to!”. So, I reluctantly announced my launch party thinking I’d get a small crowd of 30 or so to show up. Wow, was I wrong. We had over 200 rsvps in the first few days, so we stopped announcing it, because the restaurant got worried about crow control. I had NO IDEA there was that much interest in my little photo-a-day project. Honestly, no idea. But my heart is full. I have always loved the Twin Cities community, but right now I gobsmacked by the outpouring of generosity and support. I ❤️MN.

P.S. How cute are these two fiddleheads whispering and laughing with each other?!

fiddlehead ostrich ferns

  • Yesterday as you celebrated your launch, I received the 2 books I pre-ordered, one for myself and one as a gift for a dear friend. My heart is full, her heart is full! Although we couldn’t be with you for the launch and book signing, we both sat down and devoured your gem. We celebrated you, who you are, your message, your perseverance and determination, and the end product of all your years of getting out everyday and doing what you love. Congratulations to you and your family for your decade long commitment, the choices you made, and the collaboration on this project. We eagerly look forward to your next chapter! Best wishes to you and your family who are an inspiration to so many. I look forward to receiveing my pre ordered copy of your husband’s new book as well!

    • Maryann! Thank you so much! This is such a generous and beautiful comment. I appreciate it so much. I am like a duck right now–sliding over the water but paddling frantically underneath to keep up with all the media requests. Your kinds words are a balm to all this busyness. Thanks you! xox Mary Jo


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rain rain

rain rain

Two days of steady soaking rain and we went from no ferns to shin-high ferns overnight. How I wish I had a time-lapse camera set to capture such rapid growth. I almost wonder if it was audible. Incredible!

fiddlehead ostrich ferns

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