during a recent visit to philadelphia, i spent an awestruck hour or so in a cy twombly exhibit, but then i wandered into the gallery next door, where there were a roomful of ellsworth kelly collages and paintings, several of which made use of radomizing elements, and i was equally smitten. one piece, for instance, was a scattering of black and white squares that, i swear, looked just like the shimmering light reflecting off of a river. it was titled seine, and he had pulled numbers from a box to determine which squares should be black and which white. today’s still blog photo is not an ellsworth kelly, but i do like the effect of an occasional randomizing gesture, like bumping a carefully arranged pattern, or, in this case, letting crumbled grape leaves fall as they wished. apparently they wished to be beautiful and slightly melancholy.
red grape vine leaves (vitis riparia)