i know that hygge has become an overused concept in a surprisingly short time. from an obscure and enchanting word born of the need to nest with family during long danish winters, it has turned into something that books are written about, and shop and websites can market. but there is still something about lighting a few candles at the end of the day. and turning down the electric lights, and settling into a couch near a fire, and talking among family. if that’s painfully fashionable all of a sudden, well, call me trendy.
white veronica
turtle lake, shoreview, minnesota
hope your pup feels better soon. it is so hard when they can’t tell you where they hurt. nice touch to have a dogwood for the stillblog!
Thank you Dede! I think our little guy is going to be okay. We think he jarred his back, probably launching himself off the bed to bark at the front door. Two weeks of bed rest, and fingers crossed.