what is it?
the other day my husband, steve, and i took a walk down our dock (which is more like a 100 meter boardwalk through cattails) out to the lake specifically looking for STILL subjects. our reasoning was solid–it’s spring, there ought to be something happening. but as we walked to the end of the dock, we found little to marvel at. the brown winter cattails were bent over and ragged and no new green shoots were yet visible. the lake was still icy cold and appeared to offer up nothing of note except its crystal clear transparency and the odd plunk of a leaping frog. but down at the end of the dock, in a little bay which is covered in a mat of pondweeds by july, there was a collection of little green pom-poms at the end of slender brown stalks, looking a little bit like truffula trees. steve reached into the achingly cold water and pulled a few of them up, and i decided they weren’t interesting enough to photograph, but i kept them in a bowl of water and forgot about them. this morning, i happened to take a look at the bowl, and the little truffula fruits had opened up, and begun to turn into pond milfoil. i fell in love with them, and decided that i need to allow more still blog subjects to sit for several days, and turn from fresh, young samples, into something more mature, or more aged, and more interesting..
milfoil: fresh water lake weed