what is home?

these little temporary homes have me thinking about home, and what makes a home. our daughter is “coming home” here tomorrow after her first quarter at college. i think we have achieved something like home here in southern france, even though we do not own a house here. we feel a part of things. i think our fellow villagers think of us as belonging in some way that goes beyond tourism and vacations. steve says he’s his best self here. and yet, we could live here for the next twenty years, and we would never be from here. we would always be “les estrangers.” so…where is home, when you’ve fallen in love with more than one place on earth? is it where you live at the moment? where you are originally from? where you are your best self? where you feel most secure? where you are most at ease? where you are most inspired? where your most formative memories were made? or wherever your closest love ones are gathered around you laughing? where do you call home?

five nests from the vineyards

autignac, languedoc, france

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