we have arrived in autignac, and gotten our requisite 18 hours of sleep for three straight days, with each stretch of sleep corresponding slightly more closely to the actual rhythm of sun and moon in this new location, as opposed to the time of day our disoriented bodies insist it must be. as of today, we feel like citizens again. and now another 5 month adventure begins. we don’t really know what it will look like. but this passion flower hanging from an untended vine in the middle of town felt like an auspicious sign. i hope it will watch over us, and that it portends a surprising and beautiful unfolding.
passion flower
autignac, france
If you have a plethora of time one day, you can watch the Passion Flower blossom closely. Each one blooms only for one day, but it is an intense day.Around mid day they go from actually vibrating to rest, spent. I sat through it twice.
Such Elegance! Thank you for sharing your beautiful eyes.
en la flor de la pasión se pueden ver varios de los atributos que caracterizan el episodio de la pasión de Cristo. Así, se puede observar la corona de espinas que le pusieron en la cabeza, los tres clavos con que fue fijado a la cruz, las cinco llagas que laceraron su cuerpo y las cuerdas con que lo ataron. El fruto pequeño y anaranjado, encierra unas semillas rojizas que se interpretan como las gotas de sangre coagulada que brotaron de las heridas del su cuerpo