i pick up feathers when i find them. i have a nice collection now. this photo is a just a sampling. i happen to live in the community that i grew up in. i was a tomboy. i spent hours upon hours outdoors. building forts and generally staying out from under the surveillance of adults. i can say with certainty that we didn’t have any of the large birds i see so abundantly today–no turkeys, no owls, few hawks, few herons, few pheasant, and believe it or not, hardly any geese. and absolutely for sure, no swans. and here we are, 40 years later, and these birds are regular and visible residents and neighbors. about 40 years ago or so, the US finally banned the use of DDT. i wonder…
found feathers from large birds: goose, eagle, hawk, owl, fowl, pheasant, heron, turkey
all from minnesota except the fowl (pintade) feather which is from france
this is great news…proof in the pudding for sure.
I also have a collection of feathers. They are like little gifts from the wild.
A good book for you if you haven’t read it: WORLD ENOUGH AND TIME: ON CREATIVITY AND SLOWING DOWN by Christian McEwen. Her uncle is Ron McEwen, wonderful artist and musician. She talks about “nature deficit” in today’s youngsters. I so enjoy your blog.
Hi Charmian,
Believe it or not I am reading Christian McEwen’s book right now! I am about half way through it!
Mary Jo