mulleins are one of a very few weeds still peeking out above the snow-covered fields. this single plant was at least five feet tall. similar in shape and stature to a cattail.
mulleins have to be the most impressive, and least lauded weeds in minnesota. in a quick search on wikipedia i learned that mullein “is known to possess anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, expectorant, and analgesic properties. it is especially recommended for coughs and related problems, but also used in topical applications against a variety of skin problems. the plant was also used to make dyes and torches.” my hubby just announced that it is also an excellent firestick for starting campfires without a match. c’mon already. this plant should be a celebrity!
common mullein in march
rice creek regional trail, saint paul, minnesota
it just prefers to be a snow wall flower xx