une bonne moment
today, i had a moment that only happens because of social media. a couple weeks ago i posted a picture of some lipstick-colored maple seeds on instagram. remember those? anyway, a local woman messaged me on instagram me and asked if i was done with the seeds, and if she could us them for an art project she was working on. i said “they’re yours, come get them.” today she stopped by. she’s awesome, of course. we have friends in common. and she works at the airport, and knows who does art selection there (i have a pet project for the airport i have been wanting to propose). and if that wasn’t enough, she brought me these beetle-eaten linden leaves from her garden in exchange for my ruby red maple samaras. it was one of those moments that restores your faith in the universe. and it was all a result of social media.
beetle-eaten linden leaves (tilia)