umbel season

umbel season

We are heading into umbel season: queen anne’s lace (wild carrot), wild parsnip, golden alexander, cowslip, water hemlock, and angelica.  I find umbels utterly captivating. They capture my attention. My imagination. My mood. How much do you want to pour yourself a glass of iced tea so cold the beads of perspiration are sheeting off the glass, and sit under an umbel for an afternoon watching the popcorn cloud drift by in as cerulean blue sky? If I can’t do that, an umbellate umbrella on the Mediterranean Côte Vermeille will do just fine.

wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa)

  • Old Lady Gardener says:

    Aren’t they simply marvelous, one of the best flower forms ever! Don’t forget about dill, fennel, and parsley, which all have umbeliferous flowers ;) Fennel seed is delicious in chili and spaghetti sauce, not to mention on slow-roasted tomatoes. This the season. Where did you find these beauties?

  • Susan L. says:

    Oh, this sounds so much more helpful than any of the current political news!


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