one of the formative pieces of advice that lies at the heart of this blog is the recommendation from Austin Kleon to “do good work and put it where people can see it.” that was from his wonderful book “show your work.” but he wrote another book called “steal like an artist,” in which he advocates not just borrowing, not just allowing yourself to be influenced, but, frankly, stealing like an artist, because in the end no matter how hard you try to imitate someone else’s work, you will always make it your own, whether you want to or not. so let’s lay it on the table. i stole this this idea, and i don’t even think i did it as well as the original, but i love the cascade of autumn browns flowing diagonally across this image, which is very much, but not exactly, like the original image of driftwood and feathers that inspired me to try something both old and new today.
collection from the past year: bird’s eye drift wood, desert sticks, great horned owl feathers, bones, and quarts points
minnesota, utah and california
Gorgeous specimens in a collectively interesting display. Once again, well done, Mary Jo. Now, I’m off to buy a book…