transitioning to autumn
we are approaching the autumnal equinox on september 22, which is the astrological autumn. meteorological autumn started on september 1st. either way, autumn is upon us. morning dew, from warm days and cool nights, is one of my many indicators that autumn is here. i love these transition weeks. it looks like summer, but feels like fall with delicious crispness to the air, low-angle golden sun, and wrap-around sunsets. speaking of crispness, it is also apple season here in the north. and pumpkin bread season, and spiced latte season. and harvest the honey season, and replenish the firewood season. all of these autumn rituals bring a smile to my face. the only autumn indicator i am truly sad about, is that any day now, our resident sandhill cranes will be joining their kin and flying south. i hear them calling their other-wordly prehistoric calls every morning…i think they are looking for overhead flocks to join. they have been such sweet company this summer. i will miss them dearly. and steve and i will be literal empty nesters.
spent sunflower