today i noticed these curled up leaves on the rhododendron plant at my mom’s back door. last year’s dried and curled leaves are about to fall, just as this year’s buds prepare to burst open. the whole thing reminds me of the japanese sumi-e ink painting style that i have loved for years, and have recently started to pay attention to. i don’t want to say STILL blog needs to go in a new direction, exactly. but i like the idea of absorbing some new influences. sumi-STILL . . . STILL-sumi . . . Hmmm…
rhododendron buds with last year’s leaves
saint paul, minnesota
In anticipation of National Poetry Month, I was perusing my bookshelf hoping to discover some fresh poetry and revisit some old friends. This gem, Aimless Love, from Billy Collins, reminds me of you. http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/browse/179/5#!/20605578
Hi Erica,
You know me well! I just read the book Aimless Love for my book group. I absolutely loved it. My whole book group loved it. So many of the poems sent shivers up my back, and a few where I was sure, sure, he must have taken the same walk I had taken that day. Aimless Love was one of those, as was Genius. And, of course, The Lanyard made me laugh out loud. Billy Collins and Mary Oliver–two kindred spirits of mine.
xo, Mary Jo