the engineer in me wants to separate these colors into discrete rectangles and order them in an attractive grid. the artist in me wants to splash them in a disorderly harmony across the page. in the end, what you get is what you get. chaotic order? random regularity? mathematical artistry? disrupted symmetry? i don’t know. what you get is mary jo hoffman. take it or leave it.
stems, old and new
saint paul, minnesota
¡Lo tomo sin dudarlo!
I’ll take it!
I’ll take it too!! Your images and writing are so inspiring to me. What a gift!
My first tho’t was “i’ll take it”. Not the first to think that and probably not the last. Do not ever stop doing this !!!
what Carol said.
MaryJo Hoffman extraordinaire!
ummmm, you all are making me blush, but thank you!
this is stunning !
have you ever thought about publishing those pics ? they would make wonderful cards or a sumptuous book …