this old dog needs new tricks

this old dog needs new tricks

In the  12 years of doing STILL (yes, 12 years already!)  I have learned a lot of new skills. I have become a better photographer. I have become a better forager. I have learned a few things about composition, And I have learned a ton about the flora and fauna of my bioregion–so you could say, I have become a better naturalist. But I have not, by any measure, become a better manager of my email inbox. On Monday I sent out to everyone on my email list an announcement about my new book coming out on May 1. My email newsletter list has 4600 subscribers. As most of you know, I almost never use that list. The last time I used it was two years ago. So, you can image what happened to my email inbox when everyone got the announcement. A tsunami of congratulations, well wishes, and just-checking-ins. Buried in all of that was about a dozen requests from magazines and newspapers for press kits so they can feature the book in their various media outlets. Wowsa. I was not prepared. And as I tried to answer each request, it seemed to generate even more back-n-forth emails. As of today, I can officially say….I am buried. LOL. It is a very, very good problem to have. And had I been practicing email management for the past 12 years, I might even be having fun with it all. But alas, I have been developing my eye for seeing the world around. Not triaging emails. This old dog needs a new trick, apparently.

hydrangea florets in winter

  • Donna Roberts says:

    A suggestion, I created a second email account that isn’t shared with everyone, it’s for official business. I take time every day to clean them out.


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