this feels wrong
We are having a mild winter. That is an understatement. We are experiencing an abnormally mild winter. It is Feb. 13, in Minnesota, and we had no snow and temps in the low 40s. Our neighbors are tapping their maple trees. And buds are swelling everywhere I look. Today, on my walk I noticed lilac, elderberry, maple, willow, aspen, and poplar all swelling. This is about one month early. I don’t know if those buds will survive a cold snap which I have to believe we will still have. It’s going to be a very strange spring here in the North. This is a poplar catkin. It looks like a pussy willow, but it is not. It is a closely related cousin. These fur-coated buds will eventually elongate into the dangling catkins you have seen me post before–usually in April.
(male) poplar catkins in mid-February
Soft cuddly grey at its subtle loveliest.
We’re a full month ahead of schedule here in Maryland, too, and it’s worrisome! But early this morning Ma Nature dumped about 3″ of heavy wet snow on all the clumps of snow crocuses and snowdrops scattered throughout the garden beds and lawn. Yes, buds are swelling on many trees and shrubby plants here, too. Time will tell how this all plays out, huh?
Here in midcoast Maine I saw a Wooly Bear Caterpillar in my driveway today. This is ridiculous.