here we go. below zero for a couple of days. remember the good schools, mary jo. remember the good schools. and the lakes. yes, the lakes. and all the bike lanes. lots of bike lanes. and hiking trails. lots of hiking trails too. there are so many reasons to live in minnesota. lutefisk. there’s lutefisk. there are the . . . ah . . . the . . . mosquitoes. yup, the mosquitoes. they’re very cute, and they make that adorable whining sound. let’s see. what else?
icicles on balsam fir
saint paul, minnesota
Mosquitoes? HA! I got 1 (in words ONE) mosquito in my room the other day. Normally i got NONE in winter, and in summer maybe 5. That’s one reason to live in a big city, no hassl with that. And below zero? Nope, not here so far. But: i can’t see the stars properly, that’s on big con against the city.
Nice ice, mary!
Ps.: did you get my mail (sent on 04.01.16)? Maybe lost in spam?