the majestic great plains

the majestic great plains

and just like that, july winds down. minneapolis (where i am) sits right at the intersection of three bioregions: the american great plains to the south, the eastern hardwood forests to the east, and the evergreen boreal forests to the north. i love living here where we have access to such much biodiversity. these big bluestem prairie grasses grow to 10 feet tall. this particular bunch was about 8 feet tall. there is a lot of prairie restoration going on in my community and i believe bluegrass is usually included. this particular patch was beside the parking lot of my local grocery store, probably a unintended gift left by a bird. it is thrilling to see 3 meter tall grasses swaying together like waves on water.

tell me, what bioregion do you live in? if you are not sure, you can find out by going to One Earth as :

big bluestem prairie grass (Andropogon gerardi)

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