the last day of august
the kids are going back to school. the sandhill cranes have started calling (which we believe they do in order to find and join up with other cranes high above who are already headed south). and a couple of mornings this past week have smelled more like early autumn, than late summer. and yet, we have a forecast of near 100 degree temps for the next several days which is very unusual here in the north. if i am feeling confused by all the mixed seasonal messages, i have to believe the critters and plants are struggling too. since all of you dear readers are likely kindred spirits, i won’t belabor my feelings of uncertainty, because i know you are probably feeling exactly the same as me. instead i will notice the sunflowers. sunflowers are supposed to be blooming now. the roadsides are loaded with them. so that’s good. sunflowers are good.
woodland sunflower (Helianthus strumosus)