take 2

take 2

yesterday’s barberry branches before i nipped and tucked them into a perfect carpet. interestingly, i posted both of these images (yesterday’s and today’s) on instagram and asked people to vote on their favorite. i got about 100 votes, and while i have not added up the exact tally, it appears to be pretty much split 50/50: 50% ordered carpet, 50% random spill. what surprises me the most, is that those who prefer order seem to strongly prefer order, and those who prefer a little mess, strongly prefer a little mess. it makes on think.

barberry branches in autumn

  • Old Lady Gardener says:

    Oh, give me the orderly carpet for this particular subject. But with the branches spread out, I can spot those nasty thorns!

  • Gwen Walters says:

    Yes, I also prefer the orderly carpet. The colors are prettier when they are arranged carefully.


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