i bought an indoor fig tree after our first visit to languedoc in 2010. it was both evocative and attractive–a two-fer. then we continued to travel back and forth to southwest france, leaving the fig tree in the care of well intentioned, but un-attached, housesitters. it suffered. today, my fig tree officially surrendered. it shed all but two little leaves. i am going to blame it on the polar vortex, and not my negligence. but we both know better.
fig tree leaves
in my kitchen, saint paul, minnesota
In England, my fig planted outside, loses it leaves every winter, so dont give up! Lovely pic though!
I’m in the Annapolis Valley,Nova Scotia,Canada.[agricultural zone 6 ]
I bring my fig tree[Hardy Chicago] indoors every fall. Whithin about a month it loses all its leaves and goes dormant.But,not to worry,it comes back to life every spring.
That’s great to know! Thanks Micheline! Do I keep watering it??
I barely water it this time of year. Just enough to keep it alive. I increase waterring in spring. I’ll let you know when I start.
Wonderful. Thank You Micheline!