still unfurling!
My lady ferns are still unfurling! This feels a little late to me. It’s possible it is because of all the rain–the ferns are significantly taller and fuller than the previous few summers. Perhaps it takes longer for a fern to fully unfurl when it is growing 50% taller than usual. Speaking of rapid growth, the sandhill crane colt living in our back yard, appears to grow almost an inch a day. Image what it it feels like to grow at that rate? I hope he doesn’t have growing pains. I hope evolution has provided him with everything he needs to accommodate such rapid development. This is the season of growth.
lady ferns
I’ve been following you for a long time and love your work. Recently it seems like your photos are even more stunning with crisper subjects standing out from the background. Are you doing something differently? I’d love to know if it’s not giving away your secrets!
I have been following you for a long time and love your work. Lately it seems like your work is even more stunning than usual. I would love to know if you are doing anything differently, if it’s not giving away too many of your secrets. The subject seems to stand more crisply away from the background and the details are amazing.
Hi Robin, I dan’t have any secrets! Lol. I give workshops all the time and share everything :-)
I used to do a lot more flatlays on a white background…but lately I have been doing more profile shots with very soft backlighting. I get the soft backlighting by using white diffusers behind my subject, with a windo behind the diffuser. If you want more details, you can email me at maryjo@stillblog.net
xo Mary Jo