spring summer winter fall

spring summer winter fall

This is a montage I made as a possibility forĀ the STILL book. We didn’t end up using it. So I am sharing it here with you. It’s suppose to be a seasonal montage going from springĀ at the top to winter at the bottom. In the end, it felt a little too busy, and not very STILL-like. I’ll be curious if you agree.

  • Carol says:

    Agree – too busy – it is beautiful though

  • Richard Reardon says:

    I’m not seeing the transitions until the absolute bottom, but then, I’m an ignoramus when it comes to flora. :)

  • Old Lady Gardener says:

    Its a beautiful compilation of varied STILL subject matter; colorful, uplifting, heartfelt. I think it’s joyous as opposed to “still”. But I wish it had made the cut for the book, I love it.


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