sometimes your plans have to change
i spent some time this winter sorting my STILL portfolio by color for a project i was working on. in doing so, i noticed that i had very few photos of lilacs. which is crazy, given how abundant and symbolic they are to our northern spring. so, i made big plans. this may, i was going to photograph lilacs as much and as often as i could. i was going to try my mightiest to capture both their sheer abundance, and their individual delicate beauty. i would have days, even weeks, to do it, and there would be no problem with supply because every yard, roadside, and park in the twin cities has lilac bushes. then, as they say, shit happened. we had an early warm spell, followed by a cold snap. a deadly combination for early budding blossoms. lilac flowers have been paltry, and the the ones that did survive look a little worse for wear. so, my plans were dashed. this weekend i plan to check out on last possible source–a park near me that is quite literally a dedicated lilac park. it has hundreds of bushes, in dozens of colors. i am guessing it was planted with every variety of lilac that grows in minnesota. we’ll see what i can come up with for subjects. unless, of course, it snows.
lilac florettes