little solar flares
the last truly hot days are behind us now, so we have officially entered autumn. this year, it happened to line up exactly with the autumnal equinox. a coincidence more than anything else. as per usual, i get a little panicky when we transition seasons. did i capture enough of summer? did i make the most of all that abundance? remember, winter is long here in the north. one can only photograph winter twigs and stems for so long. get out there. capture it while you still can. gather. press. dry. winter is coming…sush, i say to my inner critic. let me be. i am trying to live in the moment. i will deal with february in february. meanwhile, the squirrels are burying nuts and the wood ducks are gorging on acorns. my critic doubles down: ask that zen squirrel or that laid-back wood duck about living in the moment. you are a fool. living in the moment is for those lucky enough to live in temperate climates. you live in the north. now, put on a sweater and get out there and gather enough to get you through winter. go. get off the computer. go.
dried tiger lily petals