so, what’s new?
we still don’t have a tv in our house and so i get my news primarily via urgent texts from my mom these days. based on the content of the texts i’m glad i don’t get news from many more sources than that. the news around the hoffman hosue today was that, after years of being aware of the red and white oaks on our property, i discovered this little clue sitting in our driveway, indicating that we also have at least one bur oak. headlines screamed. exclamation points were used. hyperbolic chyrons crawled. pundits opined. it was a big news day. i hope things calm down a little bit tomorrow.
mid-july bur oak leaves and acorns (Quercus macrocarpa)
Had to look up hyperbolic chyrons. Having read the definition, my synapses are now hopelessly tangled. And how they can crawl is a further mystery!
No tv? No great loss. Haven’t had one for 10 years. Life is far more peaceful that way, MJ.