shape hunter
i took a flower pressing webinar the other day, and i learned something new. i learned that i am pressing my leaves and flowers too hard. i am squeezing them so much i am turning them into tissue paper. even so, this is my current collection of over-squeezed leaves. i decide which leaves to press based on their shape. all of these leaves were put into the press when they were green. seeing the color they turn as they dry, is all part of the fun. i think the properly pressed leaves would still be mostly green, at least that’s what the instructor said. so, now i have an existential dilemma: continue to over-squeeze so i can get this beautiful palette, or lighten up and have a collection of properly pressed leaves of different shapes but all in green?
pressed leaves
Surely you have more than one press, MJ? So do some both ways just for the sake of argument. Personally I think this composition would not be as interesting in all green… So I vote for you to keep doing what you’re doing.
Indeed, I have three presses. But I am world’s laziest presser. I put them in, and never clear them out. So they are all full. ♀️