this grid of acorns is all from the same oak tree that overhangs our rear deck. this makes them all siblings, of a sort, and so, without realizing it, i happened upon the perfect picture today, to illustrate the list i promised you yesterday–the list about all the little seeds of creativity that STILL blog has inadvertently planted over the past three years, and which have popped up in the most unexpected places.
i ended up getting a bit preoccupied today so i didn’t have time to pull together an exhaustive list, but even so, look at all of STILL blog’s little babies:
- websites
- logos
- brochures
- animated films
- book covers
- fan fiction
- daily planners
- graduate theses in design
- trend analyst reporting
- cd covers
- home textiles (bed, bath, kitchen, table and pillows)
- wall hangings
- art prints on paper, canvas, and acrylic
- stationery
- scientific presentations
- gay pride posters
- homeschooling curriculum
- magazine features
- content for online blogs
- hangtags
- zines
- inspo for oil paintings
- inspo for jewelry designers
- material for plaigerists
if, off the top of my head, i were try to populate a global map of the locations of these various projects, here are where a few of the pins would land: estonia, russia, tasmania, vietnam, australia, germany, isreal, serbia, france, canada, england, switzerland, italy, spain, singapore, south africa, and of course, the united states.
that’s what one mom, with a puggle and a camera, can do with 20 minutes a day. all those days add up to years, and all those images add up to lots of little offspring all over the world. it’s as important to look back and take a deep, satisfied breath every once in a while, as it is to keep chasing the next project. let’s all take a reflective collective breath today.
acorns from the same oak tree
saint paul, minnesota
such a beautiful summary , except the last one of course