i attribute at least some of the success of STILL to the strict adherence to the rules i set when i started: found natural objects, mostly wild, on a bright white background, with natural lighting, and minimal modification. i typically only do food if i find it growing wild, such as morel mushrooms, or wild asparagus. but i am a rule breaker by upbringing, a trait instilled and encouraged by my very own mother. and so today i break my own rules and give you tea leaves because they were too beautiful not to share. my husband Steve makes his own sleepy-time tea concoction using the 11 dried herbs, leaves, berries, flowers, and petals shown. it works like a dream (ba-dum TSSSS), and he has the whole family addicted to our nightly fix. yawn…time for bed.
peppermint, hibiscus, spearmint, lemongrass, lemon balm, rose hips, red clover, raspberry leaf, chamomile, valerian, hawthorn berries
Could you post the proportions? Sounds tasty enough to try.
I agree! Love to know how much of each herb. By the way, I have marked in my calendar that this is the special week of reveals in Target and West Elm for Stillblog. A update please!