ma’am, the bug that flew into your eye. please think back. its wings. were they translucent or opaque? what color were they? did the bug in question make a buzzing sound or more of a fluttering sound? think hard now. ok ma’am, please come with me. now look through the window at this line of bugs. does one of these look familiar? take your time. we’re in no hurry.
line up of july bugs
saint paul, minnesota
such a wonderful collection
amazing group of the usual suspects! Saw there is a newsletter, but was not able to sign up for it. More of Still Blog, sign me up!
Hi Dede,
There will be a newsletter sign up soon, I am right in the middle of a wordpress update.
I am so glad to hear you want to sign up, I never know if people want to sign up for such things.
You have put my mind at ease.
Mary Jo