red on a white background
i once had an old red cashmere sweater that got a hole in it. i didn’t know what to do with the sweater, and couldn’t wrap my head around just throwing it away. so, i cut it up and made a little pillow out of the red cashmere. it was a soft and sweet little pillow. but my house is mostly white with accents in soft neutral colors of cream, flax, tan and grey. so when i introduced the red cashmere pillow it was as if someone had turned on a flashing neon light on in the middle of my sanctuary. i could not look at anything else…no matter where i gazed, all i saw was a little red cashmere pillow. it was magnetic. i could not look away. these red bits on our white background of snow are doing the exact same thing to me now. it is all i see. i can’t not see them. the difference being that i love these little red glints in the landscape, but i started to hate my red cashmere pillow.
red bits in winter