passing through
Our migrating birds start to return in March, peaking about now. Many pass through on there way further north, but several stay. Unfortunately, this junco ended his journey here.
Are you familiar with the Merlin app? I am a huge fan. Here’s what Merlin said was in my yard just this week: junco, red-winged black bird, hairy woodpecker, downy woodpecker, canada goose, mallard, black-capped chickadee, robin, blue jay, cardinal, house finch, song sparrow, red-bellied woodpecker, goldfinch, grackle, nuthatch, crow, swamp sparrow, pine siskin, sandhill crane, wood duck, tufted titmouse, white-throated sparrow, red-shouldered hawk, pileated woodpecker, eastern bluebird, turkey, loon, bald eagle, barred owl, and great horned owl.