one of the continuing delights of living in this strange corner of france is the prevalence of forgotten corners, and hedgerows, and abandoned gardens, where forgotten plants thrive that are either edible or uncommonly beautiful. this post-bloom iris was found behind a wooden plank against the stone wall of a neighbor’s house. it had hidden in the shadows for too long. i decided it deserved to celebrate its own beauty with an effervescent explosion of cherry red seeds. i hope you will give it a hand, well-earned, and long-deferred.
iris foetidissima (stinking iris fruits)
chateau pastre, autignac, france
Thank you…it’s my birthday and your iris does look like a celebration…I’m glad it was found and brought out to the light.
Your work delights me. Thanks so much for sharing what you do on this blog!
I saw your photo on IG and had to know more. What amazingly beautiful seeds and the colour contrast is wonderful.