i was bent toward the stone wall near where we park our car in the village, and our neighbor asked from across the street if i was interested in renting the house on the other side. no merci i said, and showed him my camera. ah, he said, and we both smiled. i’m not sure i could have explained, even in english, much less french, that i was photographing this perfectly cracked agave leaf, and that in my head leonard cohen was singing, there’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in, and that i was maybe not very far away from tears over the beauty of the agave leaf and the sadness of no longer having leonard cohen on the planet. my neighbor lifted his hand. good continuation of the day, he called, and walked back into his house.
scarred agave leaf
autignac, france
Ah, Leonard …. that was a rough few days, the election, losing Gwen Ifil and Leonard was more than my heart could take …..
Nor could mine. I haven’t really recovered yet, to be perfectly honest. I feel a bit like an open wound. I have six week to scab over.
Don’t know if our hearts will heal from the election part – for me it gets worse every day. My 55 year old son has taken to re-reading all of his childhood books, Rascal, Lentil, Gerald Durrell, The Wind in The Willows, The Wizard of Oz………..